Just as the dark winters bid adieu to Finland and spring is amidst, the air is filled with hope and happiness as we await summer this year with the biggest cultural celebration of 2021. Yes! It is time for the fifth edition of India Day to be held this year in August at Rautetientori (in the heart of Helsinki), a massive space overflowing with the creativity of artists coming forward to showcase their talent and culture from different parts of India. From the music and dance to the intricately gorgeous stalls, the celebration invites all the people of Finland to be part of this vibrant and cultural experience.

If you have ever seen Indian cinema, you would know how the Indians love music and dance and calling these an important part of any kind of Indian celebration would be an understatement!. Indian music, dance, art, and food are as diverse as our culture and, are two worlds apart between the North and South. With a population so proud of its diversity, it is only right that this celebration has stalls from different regions of India that are intricately decorated and ethnically showcases the crafts and food from various states of India. We also invite you to embark on this gastronomic adventure with your family and friends, where you savour the bits and bites from all over India.

This year we celebrate India @75 where we are counting down to India’s 75th year of independence. India is also one of the fastest developing countries economically and this India Day celebration is organized annually with Indian Embassy, Suomi-Intia-Seura ry, and other Indian regional associations to not only showcase Indian art and culture but importantly, to highlight the Indo-Finnish friendship and strong business relations. Finland is becoming an internationally attractive place to work, carry out research, and invest. In recent years, bilateral relations have increased and acquired diversity with more than 100 Finnish companies operating in India. India day is a mega event bringing the Finnish and Indian communities even closer and for Finnish businesses to explore areas to partner in the Indian market. India Day platform will offer Finnish companies a chance to explore investment, recruit talent and drive company growth and innovation in Finland. Be a part of our story this year!
One of the best ways for you to know more about India is to experience India Day’s visually stunning celebration where we guarantee a great atmosphere, delicious food, of course, and where you can groove to the music while you witness the magical journey happening right in front of your eyes!. We can call it sort of a travel experience without having to necessary travel during these uncertain times!. Come and explore the land of India on India Day, this August 2021!
This event will follow the official Covid-19 regulations and recommendations owing to the ongoing situation and adhere to specific measures drawn up in cooperation with the authorities to ensure the safety for all!