Facebook event page added

Intia-päivä – India day is one of the leading Indian culture showcase in the Nordics. During this weekend (06-07 April), the Facebook event page for the celebration was made public. Welcome!

Event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/431954597612513/

Join us in celebrating India Day on Sunday 18th of August 2019 10-18 on Kaisaniemi Field! (alempana suomenkielinen tapahtumakuvaus)

Intia-päivä or India Day is a mega event and a unique celebration of Indian culture, yoga, ayurveda, cuisine, film, tourism and the rich heritage of India in the heart of Helsinki. Organized by Suomi Intia Seura ry, Embassy of India in Helsinki and Indian regional associations in Finland, the event brings together the Finnish and Indian communities living in Finland to celebrate the spirit of living and working together.

Save the date and invite your friends!

Programme will be updated.




Tervetuloa juhlimaan kanssamme Intia-päivää sunnuntaina 18.8.2019 klo 10-18 Kaisaniemen kentälle!

Intia-päivä eli India Day on megatapahtuma ja ainutlaatuinen juhla intialaiselle kulttuurille, ruualle, joogalle, ayurvedalle, elokuville, turismille ja kulttuuriperinnölle Helsingin sydämessä. Tapahtumaa järjestävät Suomi-Intia seura ry, Intian suurlähetystö Helsingissä ja intialaiset alueelliset järjestöt Suomessa. Tapahtuma tuo yhteen suomalaiset ja intialaiset yhteisöt juhlistamaan yhdessäolon riemua!

Tule mukaan ja kutsu ystäväsi!

Ohjelma päivittyy myöhemmin, mutta ota päivä talteen!


#intiapaiva2019#intiapaiva #joinmeatindiaday

Hello world!

Hello from India Day team. It was in the winters of 2015-2016, when the concept of India Day was proposed by Indians living in Finland to the Embassy of India in Helsinki. It all started with a proposal of having a 2 hour seminar, presenting handy facts about India, showing tourism related videos and then, having a cup of “Indian Chai” to end the celebration. By the end of the meeting, it became a “unique celebration of Indian Culture, Food, Tourism, Bollywood and everything Indian in the heart of Helsinki”.

Founded in 2016, the first India Day team was lead by Mr. Sunil Baweja and comprised of Finnish and Indian nationals, regional associations and personnel from Embassy of India.

Mr. Amardeep Singh Bassi from Punjab Cultural Society was appointed the first President of the team which had the following key members: Adity Kochhar, Aseem Shakuntal, Ashu Patpatia, Gopinath Subramaniam, Gurvinder Singh Sidhu, Jickson Simon, Markku Lemmetty, Ramesh Naidu, Shameer Kandathil, Shefali Arora, Sunil Sadhana.

The first event saw a gathering of more than 4000 visitors at Kaapelitehdas, the Cable Factory in Helsinki. Since then, there has been no looking back. This year in 2019, we are celebrating the fourth edition of India Day and are also taking this opportunity to launch our website (www.intiapaiva.fi) and blog (blog.intiapaiva.fi).

We invite all Indians and friends of India living in Finland to come together and make this celebration of togetherness, a great success. Looking forward to see everyone at Kaisaniemi Park on Aug 18th, 2019.